Flocked Utica Fir 9′ Artificial Christmas Tree with Multicolored LED Lights



Flocked Utica Fir 9′ Artificial Christmas Tree with Multicolored LED Lights


Height – 9 Foot / Width – 49 Inch / Lights – 495 Multi LED M5. Bulb is a wide angle bulb with a plastic tip to create the shape of a traditional mini light. Uses a standard light strand where if a bulb burns out the rest stay on but if a bulb is removed, the strand goes out. / Description – The branches look heavy with snow accumulation on the branches. The large space beneath the branches allow your decorations to hang freely. The slim profile makes it great for a small space or as a secondary tree. / Usage – Indoor Only


SKU:  30573551 Categories:  , . Brand:


Features: -Artificial Christmas tree. -Flocked Utica Fir collection. -UL 440 Multicolored wide angle LED lights. -1455 Tips. -Heavy duty metal stand. -Eco friendly. -Assembly required. -Manufacturer provides 10 years construction warranty on tree and 5 years or 5000 hours warranty on light.

About Vickerman